Other Services
Our 600k sq. ft. facility at CYT-OH employs 600 employees, is set up for high-volume capacity, and is equipped with a wide range of manufacturing capabilities that focus on technology integration for improved quality while reducing costs and cycle times. Our manufacturing process begins with our Production Control Department who develops production plans using our ERP system to ensure we don’t have too many parts in the plant, so costs are minimized while maximizing space. We have implemented long-term, one-to-one, traceability by introducing lot control stamps, an ERP system, and a barcode system.
Safety is our first priority at CYT and is supported by our EHS Department and Safety Committee who continuously audit our factory and discuss with production for safety concerns. Our Value Stream Mapping Team and our Scrap Reduction Team ensure continuous improvement once mass production begins. The Production Engineers and Maintenance Team make sure quality standards are met by always being on-hand and ready to solve machine and fixture complications.
Our R&D team takes your part drawing, turns it into a prototype, and then tests the parts internally or sends them to you for testing. Based on these tests in the past, our customers have improved the design of their product before it starts mass production, and this saves both of us a lot of time and money. Our in-house testing capabilities include an engine bench, chamber room, and dyno. In the past, a single project has included over 5 different products with a combination of 20 different variations. These 5 different products combined took over 150 part drawings to make up the final products. Our R&D team has the capacity to work on many concurrent new product projects – in the past they have had 10 at the same time
Research & Development
Cardington Yutaka Technologies’ R&D department is a full-service development group with experience in product development from concept to production. At CYT, R&D deals with a wide range of topics. During product development, we collaborate closely with our customers. During the pre-production phase, we construct prototype fixtures to test design functionality and mature the product until it is ready for mass production. The R&D team builds inspection and weld fixtures while the production team prepares for mass production.
Warehousing and Shipping
Our dedicated material service team is equipped with over 20 forklifts and utilizes our Automatic Storage & Retrieval System (ASRS) paired with our 100k sq. ft. storage facility attached to the rear of the factory. We have deducted forklift lanes and drop off zones to reduce travel time while improving safety and efficiency.